Pope Francis's Integral Human Development

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Pope Francis uses and expands integral human development in Laudato Si’ to challenge modern people towards a new and morally responsible dialogue about how our generation is shaping the future of the planet. Laudato Si’ is an encyclical written upon ethics and the common good and provides a truly systematic understanding of the ecological basis for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world. The church’s interest in human development is that of a human’s humanitarian instinct of secular thinking through natural pool and compassion empathy for someone in need. Pope Francis states, “Since everything is closely interrelated, and today’s problems call for a vision capable of taking into account every aspect of the global crisis, I suggest that we …show more content…

This approach to development rejects the idea that development aims simply at the fulfilling of basic needs, such as food and shelter. It argues, on the basis of human solidarity, that all people should be involved in the integral and authentic development of all. Development, in this sense, gives attention to economic justice, ecological sustainability, and other values that go beyond speaking of development only in terms of economic growth. This ecological sustainability begins with relationships taking place at the atomic and molecular level, between plants and animals, and among species in ecological networks and systems. For example, he points out, “We need only recall how ecosystems interact in dispersing carbon dioxide, purifying water, controlling illnesses and epidemics, forming soil, breaking down waste, and in many other ways which we overlook or simply do not know about” …show more content…

As seen in Ursula Le Guin’s The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, there is a similarity with the moral paradigm of “closeting” people from the good life according to Pope Francis. Quote from Omelas. Today, living in a society focal upon happiness, we take for granted the environment through our use of hazardous factories and polluted ridden cars and fuels being part of our daily routine. However, just as a comparison to Omelas, we are locking people away from having a good life; people being our descendants, will not be fortunate enough to experience a beneficial life if we continue to risk future habitation by constantly polluting. Christ recommends that not only do we think about ourselves, but to be aware of others that we converse with and be aware of the future peoples. Quote from Laudato Si (Good of each and all) finish paragraph *Gaudium et Spes, solidarity—the church and the people of our time, your problems are my problems. The church is with the world, not against it, all on this journey together is how the church expresses

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