Pompeii Research Paper

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Pompeii was one of the Roman Empire’s richest and most popular locations. However, the picturesque landscape full of life eventually came to an end when a peaceful mountain awoke after two thousand years raining death, destruction, and eventually sealing Pompeii in an ash covered time capsule. This mountain once provided food for the population through its fertile soil is known today as Mount Vesuvius. Following the destruction of Pompeii, Pliny the Younger, was a lawyer, and nephew of the prominent Roman Pliny the Elder killed in the eruption, made an account of what he witnessed. Furthermore, Pliny the Younger's account would be important for future geologists and historians. Following the eruption, Emperor Titus, sent troops …show more content…

Thousands of people all over Rome flocked to the city to watch gladiatorial events, purchase property, go to the markets, or just relax from the fast paced nature Rome. Pompeii had attracted wealthy people and influential politicians from Rome. Pompeii itself, was built in an oval like shape with several gates encompassing it. Ash was used from the volcano nearby to build streets and buildings. Moreover, the city provided a place called a forum where the citizens would gather to converse and hear speeches. In addition to a public forum, Pompeii provided an amphitheater, temples, public baths and a gladiator’s court. Public baths were common in Pompeii where people enjoyed running water that aqueducts provided. Some wealthy people having personal baths in their own homes. Due to the location Pompeii was located being seismically active, the citizens enjoyed hot baths from the heat generated. Along with hot rooms, steam rooms, warm rooms, cold rooms were common in the city both being separated by gender. Pompeii was a prime example of the wealth and power of the Roman Empire as it provided advanced technology for the time such as aqueducts, heated floors, and sewage systems. Although much of Pompeii was magnificent, the city also had a dark side which included slavery, prostitution, political corruption, bribery and murder. However, all that is Pompeii would come to an abrupt end from that of fire when the Mountain above the city woke up from a two thousand year

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