The Success Of The Roman Empire

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To many historians and analysts, Rome was easily one of the most successful civilizations that ever had come to be. The Romans were able to successfully expand throughout their time and managed to be able to hold and control vast amounts of territory at a time. Despite the shocking fall of Rome, during the Roman times there was much success to be had and one of the reasons for the success began with the Roman constitution. The Roman constitution had divided the power into three separate elements that each had their own responsibilities and all contributed to the mass amount of success the Romans had. There are many reasons that the Roman empire was so successful, but three of the main factors that lead to their success was the Consuls, the Senate, and the People. If not for this division of power, there is no telling what would have been Roman empire, or if it even had the opportunity or potential to become an empire to begin with. To the Roman’s division of power was very important, each of the three elements possessed sovereign powers and the power was regulated which would promote equality. The Consuls are the section of the constitution that resembles most …show more content…

The people seemed like they would not have any responsibilities seeing as they Consuls and Senate had so much to begin with. The People, however, were tasked with one of the most important responsibilities the Roman Empire would need. The people had control of the of honor and of punishment. These two responsibilities were believed to hold the Empire together. “The people are the only court to decide matters of life and death; and even in cases where the penalty is money, if the sum is to be assessed is sufficiently serious” (Polybius, 63). The Romans gave the people who were on trial the option of seeing through their trial, or being exiled. This no doubt helped to keep crime rates down due to the fear of death, prison, or potential

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