Essay On The Fall Of Western Roman Empire

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The Fall Of The Western Roman Empire

Rome was massive. It is known to be the first city that held one million citizens. It was also strong. The army was huge, and Rome seemed invincible, but unfortunately, Rome started to molder. Political aspects, economical issues, deadly diseases, and ruthless foreign invaders all eventually lead to the fall of the seemingly undefeatable Western Roman Empire.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire was a major problem, and the political aspects were partly to blame. One reason why the political demeanor of the Western Roman Empire was partially the cause of the fall, was that Western Rome had several unfit rulers. The emperors were greedy, and cruel enough to do unfair actions for power. These emperors inherited the throne, and that led to these ability lacking rulers. In addition, there was no cycle for the Emperors. In the United States Of America, if the president is no longer able to rule, the vice president takes over. …show more content…

Overcrowded living conditions were not a good idea. Disease spread fast this way. People who live in apartments are living right next to each other, which could make the sickness engulf the city. Lead poisoning was also not good. This is because the pipes that carried water would contaminate what they citizens drank and bathed with. Along with lead getting into water for bathing, disease spread in bathing waters. For the temperature that baths were at, the sickness loved to grow. Warm water is perfect conditions for bacteria to live in. Along with these aspects, malaria and the bubonic plague spread throughout Rome. These illnesses came over Rome and fast, especially because of how crowded Rome was. Attila the Hun even avoided Rome because of how bad the malaria was. Furthermore, these economic issues definately took part in the fall of the Western Roman

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