Political Socialization

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Political socialization is defined as the way your opinions are formed by your environment. Through past experiences, upbringing, friends, family and clubs within a particular school system, we are all experiencing a type of socialization. The way that we vote is also influenced by these factors. “The areas of adolescent media use, and political socialization, areas rarely overlap, Media-use studies usually only peripherally examine consumption of public affairs and political content, often because the research involves younger children.” ("Political Socialization and the High School Civics Curriculum in the United States." pg 3) I noticed throughout my life and remembering back to the elections that I did have the opportunity to see the election in a different way. I felt more a part of the political processes by different experiences that I have been a part of over the years. I once had a teacher who taught eighth grade United States History whose name is Mrs. Franks. She made our class very aware of the election process and how we were to vote. She allowed us to have a class debate on who would make a better president, allowed us to write letters to the president. She also allowed us to pretend to register for voting so that we would know what the sheet was to look like. Once …show more content…

In third grade, we were introduced to class elections and voting for those who would “best represent” the class as a whole. In these elections, the students were probed to present a speech and address “issues” in which the elected wished to carry through and better the school. Though these elections were more about the playground rules, and who would be able to leave class five minutes earlier for recess, the representation of these elections were to prepare us for making an informed decision on who would be the best candidate for

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