The Future of Responsible Journalism

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In trying to attract new audiences, news media have begun to transition from reporting to becoming a form of entertainment. With the meteoric rise of social media’s role as a news source, the fight for an increase of diversity in the media, and the ever-growing desire of immediate content, the future of responsible journalism is more important than ever. Ask yourself, why do I think the way I do? Where do my political views originate? How do I prove them? Most likely, it is due to the biased portrayal of issues in the media and the politicization that accompanies what we consume. Now, compare your views to your preferred news reporting entity. More than likely, they are the same. “Power is the ability to define reality and to have other people respond to your definition as if it were their own (Nobles).” People fail to see responsible journalism as a crisis because it is so convenient to have news media make up your mind for you. The foundation of our personal philosophies stems from irresponsible journalism through the major news sources we consume, the exposure to less responsible entertainment, and the biased reporting enforcing negative stereotypes. First, let’s delve into our first claim: The foundation of our personal philosophies stem from irresponsible journalism through the major news sources we consume. The focus here are the news sources we consume and how it is the foundation of our personal and political ideologies. The majority of our personal and political philosophies are a snowball effect from the major news sources we consume. Now, this is not a complicated concept. We watch news networks that line up with our political views. Simple as that, but why? The focus here is why do we watch these channels? An ... ... middle of paper ... ...ponsible journalism goes unaddressed, we will fail to formulate our own individual opinions, and we may become sponges of a negative culture and in turn our interactions with other people will indicative on how they are portrayed in the media. We need to help each other because in the end, all we have is ourselves. Works Cited Jones, Jeffrey P. "Fox News and the Performance of Ideology." Cinema Journal 51.4 (2012): 178-85. Print. Nobles, Dr. Wade. Seeking the Sakhu: Foundational Writings for An African Psychology. 1st. Third World Press, 2006. Print. Prior, Markus. "News vs. Entertainment: How Increasing Media Choice Widens Gaps in Political Knowledge and Turnout." American Journal of Political Science. 49.3 (2005): 577-592. Web. 3 Feb. 2014. Williams, Patricia J. "The Monsterization of Trayvon Martin." Nation. 297.7/8 (2013): 17-22. Web. 3 Feb. 2014.

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