Political Divide In America Essay

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Many broadcasting stations tend to fall somewhere on the political spectrum, as a result, many of their articles will be biased for their political views. Media outlets side with a political party because they can attract more viewers. Media outlets that push their political agenda are harmful because they are reinforcing core party beliefs to attract large crowds, distorting the news to keep their viewers happy, and creating political divide for the sake of ratings.

Many Americans don’t trust the media, they rely on “on an array of outlets – with varying audience profiles – for political news. And many consistent conservatives and liberals hear dissenting political views in their everyday lives” (Political Polarization). As a result, the mainstream media is creating a political divide in America.

One of the ways that the media’s divide is harmful is that they attract large crowds to generate money. Many of “These stories …show more content…

Such stories typically echo popular conspiracy theories or are lifted from other fake news sites.” (“Fake News”)

‘ Many news organizations distort the news so that “opinionated voters, go to the news sources that reinforce and perhaps intensify their preexisting political beliefs” (“Media Power and Bias”). This increases their size pool of viewers and is harmful because media bias can disorientate the news so much that Americans don’t know who to listen too (“Political Polarization”).

Furthermore, this is creating a harmful divide in America because “roughly four-in-ten consistent liberals on Facebook (44%) say they have blocked or defriended someone on social media because they disagreed with something that person posted about politics” (Political Polarization). At the same time, “31% of consistent conservatives and just 26% of all Facebook users .. have done the same.” (Political

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