Police Minority Relations Argumentative Analysis

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TOPIC: Police Minority Relations (Argumentative essay)

Tense relations between police and African Americans lead to numerous unjustified murders every year due to corrupt prison systems, and a justice system that disproportionately targets those in poverty. As a result, many officers and African Americans live in fear of encountering one another, which only contributes to the problems between them. To solve this problem, the U.S Justice Department needs to step in and ensure that police are connected to the communities they serve, which could mean hiring more minority officers and/or assigning officers to communities that they are familiar with.

Problems between African Americans and authorities, in general, have existed since the beginning …show more content…

Of course we will probably never live in a world where zero police brutality takes place, that is not at all the case, but every problem needs to be addressed and an attempt must be made to fix them. Some studies have shown that having a diverse police force does not change the effect of racial profiling (Bouie, 2014), but having a diverse police force helps eliminate stereotypes among officers as they get to know and understand their co-workers. Diversity is also important to establishing healthy relations from a young age, the assistant police chief of Dallas says “[Having a more diverse police force] shows children in the community that “if she can be a police officer, I can be a police officer, too” (Hughes, 2016). Having role models in career fields that youth may not have otherwise explored is important, recent movements have proven this by diversifying characters in books and movies to provide role models for minority children. So, although it remains unproven whether or not diversifying the police force has a direct effect on the amount of misconduct, it is still beneficial from several perspectives. Nothing will single-handedly fix these problems, solutions need to be combined to become most effective. Many civil rights leaders have also called for connecting police to the communities they serve. As officers get to know their citizens they will lose the stereotypes that they may associate with the people they serve and with time, both officers and citizens will be more at ease around one another. If citizens develop trust for the police, they will also be less likely to disobey officers, which can sometimes lead to deadly situations. Some opponents of having police connected to their communities hypothesize that these connections may lead to police allowing crimes to persist

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