Police Corruption Research Paper

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“Corruption is defined as dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.”(Oxford Dictionaries) “Police corruption is a form of police misconduct in which the officers end up breaking their political contract and abuse their power for personal or departmental gain. This malpractice can involve one officer or a group of officers.”(Wikipedia) Police corruption plays a huge role in Central American countries like Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala causing crime rates to be high, drug trafficking present and corrupt leaders to have complete power. This damages the economy and image of these countries. The police play a fundamental role in any political regime. Whether an authoritarian regime or a liberal democracy. …show more content…

Because of the weak economy and state institutions, drug trafficking organizations have acted with impunity and power to transport contraband through the Central American isthmus, buying the loyalty of underpaid officials along the way. About 90 percent of the cocaine arriving into the US comes through the Central American corridor. This being the most common and almost the only route used for drug smuggling into the United States, and drug trafficking being so profitable, bribing police officers is something that these people don't even worry about. Drug trafficking corrupts the criminal justice system by buying off or bribing people in the government, police, and judges. Having more cash, traffickers are better equipped to bribe criminal justice officials. The police are offered either money or death, so some officers have no other choice than being corrupt. The system’s ability to effectively handle crimes not related to drug trafficking can be harmed, leading to higher levels of crime and violence not related to drugs.The existence of police members involved in drug trafficking makes the people not trust the criminal justice system, furthermore questioning if the law should even be respected if their own police is not respecting the human rights. Also, this increases corruption in the systems creating chaos in countries and …show more content…

The economic inequality makes this process for government leaders easier. Political leaders control the police and use their power to make sure their job, businesses, and companies are safe. As humans, we often see authorities and leaders as someone to look up to and follow their actions and beliefs as if it is the “right” thing to do. Police officers follow their leaders and get the impression that being corrupt is something easier to get away with. Police officers benefit from the fact that their leaders or authorities are corrupt and vice versa. Government officials are involved in corruption with complete impunity. In the past years, there have been several corruption cases, the biggest of which ended in the impeachment and imprisonment of former President Otto Pérez Molina. Former president Otto Perez Molina was imprisoned because of his involvement in multi-million customs fraud case. Another example of a corrupt leader is the case that Honduras went through. Former president Manuel Zelaya Rosales was removed of the presidency. The motive was to prevent Zelaya from changing the constitution so that he could run for re-election and hold on to power. Sometimes the problem is not the police but the leader, like in the case of Manuel Zelaya. “In 2009, a group of Honduran politicians and military officers staged a coup and removed the president from office

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