Police Career Officer

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Criminal justice defines the principle of all the basic information needed to be known by the person learning to be a police officer. Many people just chose to go to the police academy without much knowledge of the different types of policing under the Criminal justice books covers.the academy is just to get the basic training needed to become an officer not any of the knowledge all of that train can get you ready for the world of policing but not the actual law enforcement knowledge learned in a classroom. A criminal justice class gives you the knowledge like all types of policing such as community and law policing, local policing, federal policing, and ect. people depend on police officers and detectives to protect their lives and property. …show more content…

Most police officers patrol their jurisdictions and investigate any suspicious activity they notice. Detectives, who are often called agents or special agents, perform investigative duties such as gathering facts and collecting evidence. The reason I had chosen this type of career line was due I the fact of how interesting this career line is to me all of the mystery, action, and all of the detective skill needed to be used to capture a culprit of the crime committed. There is always so much excitement in this job line of policing cause you never know what to expect from this job one day you could just be writing tickets to people the best your life could literally be on the line.The daily activities of police and detectives differ depending on their occupational specialty–such as police officer, game warden, or detective–and whether they are working for a local, state, or federal agency. Duties also differ substantially among various federal agencies, which enforce different aspects of the law. Regardless of job duties or location, police officers and detectives at all levels must write reports and maintain meticulous records that will be needed if they testify in court.Uniformed police

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