Point Of View Of Senora Ines The Stolen Party

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“The Stolen Party” is a story that uses third person limited point of view to tell the story. It is told from the point of view of Rosaura, a young girl who is the maid’s daughter. The third person limited only shows you the things Rosaura sees, does and her thoughts, not the thoughts and motives of the other characters. The third person limited point of view helps by making the ending more surprising. Up until the end when Senora Ines gives Rosaura money instead of a bracelet or yoyo, you believe that Rosaura is a genuine guest at Luciana’s party. You also think that the reason Rosaura is at the party is out of friendship because Rosaura and Luciana are real friends. For instance, Rosaura states “I’ve been invited because Rosaura is my friend.” Later in the story; “Every …show more content…

They also show reasoning behind why Rosaura would think that she was at the party like a regular guest. Another reason the author might have used third person limited was not to make you question why Rosaura was the only one asked to help Senora Ines hand out things and why she was the only one allowed to do others. Rosaura thought it was because she knew the house the best, and Rosaura’s thoughts made you, the reader, think it was because she knew the house the best as well. Only at the end do you realize that she was doing the chores because she was acting as the maid. For example, “The best was still to come. The best came after Luciana blew out the candles. First the cake. Senora Ines asked her to help pass the cake around, and Rosaura enjoyed the task immensely, because everyone called out to her, shouting “Me, me!”” She also gets special privileges, like being the only one to see the monkey in the kitchen. The story also says “Rosaura was the only one allowed in the kitchen. Senora Ines had said: “You, yes, but not the others, they’re much too boisterous, they might break

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