Pluralistic Society

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London is a major city in Europe that is extremely diverse and inhabits many religions from all over the world. The city has become a religious pluralistic society and still continues to be one in the twenty first century. A pluralistic society is defined as a diverse one, where people in the society believe all kinds of different things and tolerate each other's belief even if they do not match their own. Throughout the twenty first century we have all come to know that there is not one religion that completely influences and controls the world. Even though some religions claim to be the best there are constantly new religions emerging all the time. N n n n n n n n n n A pluralistic society contains many groups that have different religions, …show more content…

A variation of religions causes many conflicts because of different beliefs. Secularism is something that has been around for over five centuries now and continues to exist around the world. The word secularism is defined as a belief system that rejects religion, or the belief that religion should not be part of the affairs of the state or apart of public education. The existence of secularism is something that is feared among many people because they think that it will take over. They are frightened that one day people will have a secular view on whatever is happening in their society or around the world. Although London is not a secular society it is a pluralistic it is still feared that one day it could be. The United States is an prime example of a country that is has secular society; there is a separation of state and religion. Even though the government respects the peoples right to ones believe in a religion there is still a divide between the …show more content…

Diana Eck is a woman who works at Harvard Divinity School as a professor of comparative religion and Indian studies notice that there are three different responses to contact between religions one being exclusivism. Exclusivism are people who are fully committed to their faith and the basis of their religious life is built on their faith. They also believe that it is the only true way. The second response is inclusivism. Inclusivism is trying to make the world have one single religion. Lastly, the third response is pluralism. Pluralism is to have your own faith and acknowledge the existence of other people's

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