Pledge Of Allegiance Essay

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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." As a student in school, The Pledge of Allegiance was how you started your day every morning. We would stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to show our respect and support for the people who fight for our country. If you were to walk into a classroom today, while the Pledge of Allegiance was being said, you would see that some students would stand and others would be sitting. I believe that respecting the flag should be shown in some aspect, my reasons why, are that it shows respect to everyone who has served our country, would help unite us as Americans, and would give …show more content…

Men and women fight for our country every single day, making sure that we are kept secure. Not only are they fighting for our sense of being kept safe, they are also making sure that we have our freedom. Many Americans are familiar with our Amendments. Among the best known is the First Amendment, which is commonly known for the right to have freedom of speech, press, and to peacefully assemble. Many would say that not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance would be their right to freedom of speech, which I would agree with. You would also have to look at the fact that people are putting their life on the line for this freedom. Should we have rules in place to show the simple act of standing as our appreciation for what they are able to provide for …show more content…

A few rules are: don’t use the flag as drapery, don’t let the flag touch the ground, and don’t use the flag for advertising purposes. So for example, when the flag is so worn or it is disrespect in anyone that it no longer seems fit as a symbol, the flag must then be destroyed properly. When having a flag burning ceremony, it is only to be done by someone who can give it the dignity it deserves. So why is flag etiquette so important? We must show respect and dignity to the flag because of all the sacrifice it took to get us the freedom. Most Americans could say that they have not followed the flag code as strict. Every 4th of July you can look around at your barbecue and see most everyone in an Old Navy flag shirt. This would be against the flag code. I am not saying that we need to change the rules completely, but maybe make them so that everyone can give the flag their respect but showing our joy of patriotism as well. So, if we as a country would go back to showing the flag respect, we as a country might just see that it should not be used as a protest. The flag should only be involved in a protest when shown the proper respect. Don’t stomp on it, spit on it, and burn it in a disrespectful manner. With these set of rules I believe that we can make both parties

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