Pledge Of Allegiance Essay

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The Pledge of Allegiance: Voluntary or a Ritual "I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. "The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892, by the Socialist minister, Francis Bellamy for the 400th anniversary of discovering America. This Pledge began with only a few words, without God it in. Due to the fact that the Communists were threatful at these time, President Eisenhower decided Congress add the words "under God." The Pledge was signaled, at the beginning, to lift the right hand, palm downward to aline with the forehead; then, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. After WW2, the salute was resembling too much of the Nazi salute, so Congress switched gears, to just keeping the right hand over the heart, as still done today in most schools. Unfortunately, not ever school does this. About 85% of the grade- schools in the whole United States practice this ritual in their schools and believe that it should be …show more content…

I believe that every child in the United States should be loyal to their country. They should be taught to love and defend, no matter what gets in the way. If you are a citizen, I believe that it is a privilege and an honor to be able to Pledge Allegiance to the United States flag. Finally, if we never have the pledge of allegiance, the kids or citizens in the coming future, will not learn about the origin of our country. It is really good to know history. Many people, now, are not realizing how helpful soldiers were fighting in the wars and battles and we should all honor them. We need to take into consideration why we are here, a nation united. We need to add value to the people who fought in the war and take spare time to recall what our country stands for and to be able to “pledge allegiance” to

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