Plato's Theory Of Vaccination Research Paper

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Vaccinations Required?
Recently high population of unvaccinated children on the West Coast has led to outbreaks of whooping cough and the measles amongst children as discussed in articles by Alexandra Sifferlin and Dan Diamond. Part of what has caused the outbreaks, according Sifferlin, is that unvaccinated children transmitted the diseases to children who are unable to receive vaccinations because of age, illness (particularly autoimmune disorders) and other health conditions). Typically children who are unable to be vaccinated are protected by the concept of herding. Herding, the idea that if most or all people who are healthy enough to receive vaccinations are vaccinated, then those who cannot be vaccinated, are protected from getting …show more content…

Each had a unique viewpoint on how the government should handle vaccine regulation. Both Plato and Hobbes are absolute about their stances. While their opinions are opposite of each other, both Plato and Hobbes would want to remove parental decision-making rights, in favor of government decision. However, one could also argue that Hobbes’ principles of equality would give parents the decision making power much like Rawls’ theory does. In contrast, both Plato and Rawls both want to allow vaccination regulations but Rawls wants to allow for exception in the name fairness. Interestingly, Thomas Hobbes is the only one who would not want any or limited government involve on the …show more content…

His tolerance of different religions works well with the United States’ overall belief system. In addition, the diseases the vaccinations help with are just too dangerous to allow the conclusions based on Hobbes’ political theory to be implement. Not vaccinating the entire country is simply not an option. It would result in a large increase of infancy and childhood mortality. Neither is forcing the every citizen to be vaccinated like how the conclusions based off of Plato’s political theories advocates for. Such proposal would be deemed unconditional immediately. Hence, it is Rawls’ political theory that the United States government needs to look at when reforming vaccination regulation. Unfortunately, the nature of the United State (its large amount of diversity both culturally and religiously) does not allow for a simple answers to problem of vaccination regulations. The members of Congress who draft the new regulations will have to balance the citizens Constitutional rights with the needs and safety of the people. Therefore, while they should uses the conclusion based on Rawls’ theory to outline their plan. This would be create the strongest regulation reform and would benefit the most citizen while still protect other citizen’s religious

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