Plankton Research Paper

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Marine derbies can also block sunlight. So plankton cannot get enough sun, when garbage gathering on the water surface. It can one of the most harmful effects on marine life, because plankton is the most common autotrophs, or producers, in the marine food web. Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own nutrients from oxygen, carbon, and sunlight. So now plankton population in danger of rapid decrease.

Partly extinction of planktons in the world ocean can change the entire food line. If there will be less planktons, that fishes and turtles will not have enough food. So they also will be in danger of disappear. If fish disappear, then it will not be enough food for predators such as whales, tuna, and sharks. And, of course, seafood will be more expensive for people.

Plastic debris …show more content…

And it’s not surprising, because The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is located so far away from any country and that is why no one will try to clean it up. Due to this fact many international organizations strive to prevent the patch from growing.
Many people think that there is nothing special in cleaning of this rubbish, but in fact it’s not so easy as it sounds. Scientist have invented special instrument that will gather garbage, it is look like a net, but another problem has occurred. This problem is that many plastic pieces are the same size as little sea animals and special designed nets will catch not only debris, but a habitats of ocean too. Another barrier in saving of the ocean is its sizes. Even if people will invent the net which will only take trash, without fish or other animals, the scale of the ocean will make this job too long and time-wasting. The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Debris Program has estimated that it would take 67 ships one year to clean up less than one percent of the North Pacific

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