Pineapple And Globalization In The Pacific World

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Pineapples is consumed by many people around the world and is also used in many various products. Do you ever wonder where your pineapples come from? Most of us would never guess that the number one producers of pineapple are the islands of Hawaii. If it wasn’t for the company Dole, pineapples would have been a luxury item that only the rich could afford. We can all thank globalization for shaping the modern Pacific World. The interactions between islanders and the outsiders from America, Asia, and Europe have shaped both of our societies either for the good or the bad of the nations. Hawaii was never part of the United States, before the late 1800s and even the early 1700s Hawaii was untouched by other civilizations. Before the encounter …show more content…

Since the start of opening their ports to the outside world, China started to mass produce items fast and cheap. China’s natural resources are diminishing quickly with the demand of their products globally. Most factories that produce goods run on coal or some sort of natural resource. Increasing the demand of goods, means that the demand of coal and other scares minerals increase. In Yeh’s paper she sees that since globalization in China, “[Shanghai] has turned shopping into an entertainment.” Places such as Shanghai had rapidly adapted to globalization by accommodating some western ideas to a sacred city. The rapid growth of globalization in China has caused a massive change throughout the country entirely. Since the early days of European imperialism and American influence on these countries has caused rapid globalization throughout the Pacific World. Some were for the good of greater societies, while others had a negative impact on the natives who lived there before. We as a consumer can all thank globalization for changing our society as a whole. Globalization throughout the Pacific World has had an enormous impact on today’s society that would never have been possible without the interactions between outsiders and

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