Picking One Out Research Paper

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There are many different incidents, I could discuss so picking one out was very hard. Last year, I got bullied a few times which I think is a serious topic. Bullying is a wrong, crucial way to open your feeling to someone. Bullying can cause many problems with the the person being bullied so when I was bullied I tucked his words away from me so I won’t get hurt. I remember there was a kid in my sixth grade class, who thought he was cool by calling people names and insulting them but that only did a little to get him cool. One day, I was in class waiting for lunch since I finished my math homework, when the teacher left to go to the bathroom, I was relaxing, reading a book when he came up to me and called small and some other names that I don’t remember since it was a while ago, which I hated being called small because I don’t like saying people are short or tall since I believe that everyone is special and shouldn’t be called short because …show more content…

During lunch I finished the slip and he came up to me and ripped the paper into tiny little pieces so I went to the office and grabbed another and wrote down what happened in the classroom and at lunch. I went back to the cafeteria and continued my lunch in peace silently talking to my friends and reading my book. Soon the bully came back to where I was and threatened me if I grabbed another slip or tell the teacher but I grabbed one anyway and told the teacher, he had to stay in the classroom for recess for an entire month, eat lunch in the classroom, and he got a phone call to his mom for bullying. He never bullied again and he was a better person thanks to this. I felt better after he made the right choice because bullying is wrong and I believe that no one should do it because instead of being good, you are just getting into trouble and it wouldn’t help you to be

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