Amanda Todd Research Paper

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Around the world there are many different problems going on. There's money problems, homelessness, Drug use,human trafficking etc. In this case bullying is one of those problems that we’re focusing on. This can relate to so many different people in the world because bullying is popular, and happens a lot either it’s in school or outside of school. Yet bullying is more likely to happen in school than out of school in closed areas where there's no supervision or adult in sight, which gives bullies the chance to do whatever and not get in trouble. There are different types of bullying and not all are the same but verbal is like the same exact thing as a punch in the stomach because words hurt just as much. Family first aid statistics say that about 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. has been the …show more content…

For example physical, verbal, and cyber. You can find a bunch of articles, books, and movies out there that tell cases of bullying. Some are pretty well known around and majority are never heard of. The story of Amanda Todd is a very famous story that involves bullying. In Amanda Todd’s story she goes through depression from all the bullying and harassment that she went through and eventually committed suicide. Committing suicide is a very common variable when it comes to bullying. People think that death is an easy way out of their problems, and it’s not. There are cases when the person who is being bullied has had enough where they do the opposite of suicide and commit murder. In this case that person will usually commit mass murder through a school shooting. Bullying is a very common thing that has been happening for a long time. A famous event was the Columbine shooting of April 20th,1999 when it was theorized that two boys shot down the school due to bullying. Even famous people have admitted to being bullied. To name a few there are Lady Gaga, Megan Fox, Rihanna, Tom Cruise, and the president himself Barack

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