Comparing Two Colleges Research Paper

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The great American journalist Dan Rather once said “A college degree is the key to realizing the American dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity”. One of the hardest decision that goes along with this is where to receive this college degree. In the state of Indiana, there are many great colleges to attend to, but only two really stand above the rest. This is Indiana University (IU) and Purdue University. There are many differences between these two schools including majors offered, their post-graduate programs, the club and organizations offered at both of these schools, academic facilities offered at the schools, and the admission requirements. Both schools are very excellent schools to attend, but it really comes down to what kind of major is wanted to be earned.
The first difference between the two schools are the majors that are offered at these schools. Both schools present many of the same majors, but as you look closer, they cover different fields of study. For example, Indiana University offers 550+ majors in many different fields of study, six of them being in the field of psychology (Indiana University). On the other hand, Purdue University 500+ majors, but only having one in the field of psychology (Purdue University). Most of the 550+ majors at Indiana cover …show more content…

Both schools accept a broad range of ACT and SAT scores from students applying for these schools. The only difference is the percent that is accepted. At Indiana, seventy-six percent of all students who apply are admitted to the school (“Indiana University Bloomington”). At Purdue, 23,506 out of 39,706 of the students who applied last year were enrolled into the college (“Purdue University West Lafayette”). That means only about fifty-nine percent of students who applied were admitted. For this category, Purdue has the higher standards for

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