Guernica: Picasso's Influential Anti-War Masterpiece

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most influential paintings. The enormous size of the painting, “Can awaken the nightmares of our historical past.” The mural was created to reflect the bombing raid in 1937 on the city of Guernica. Although the painting is considered one of Picasso’s famous works, in its first exhibition it was heavily criticized and ignored. During the Paris world fair, the german delegation described Picasso’s work as something any child could do. Slowly the painting got recognition through world tours and brought awareness to the effects of war crimes. Due to the fact that the painting is based on the bombing raid on Guernica, used as a propaganda weapon in the battle against Fascism, and serves as an anti-war piece of work, unravels the significance that is tied to the painting. Over time the Guernica has gained recognition and speaks of …show more content…

The painting is significant for its anti-war message, but from the time it was created Picasso directed the message for Falco. This can be inferred by the bull that is included in the painting. The bull has been interpreted as representing the onslaught of fascism. Although it is obvious that fascism was not responsible for the bombing of Guernica, by painting the bull it portrays how Picasso believes that fascism is tied to death and destruction. The mother in the painting is also a symbol against fascist. The mother represents how individuals have no control over the power of fascism in Spain. This is what makes the painting so powerful. An artist giving his open opinion on politics publicly and the containing the universal emotion of suffering. Which is profound considering the mural was created in 1937. Involving the painting in the exposition in Paris, Norway, Denmark, and Sweeden, provided Picasso with an opportunity to make anti-fascism a larger message. He also used his painting in these expositions to raise

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