Picaboo Argumentative Essay

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With over 100 million users, 400 million snapchats sent daily, and 8,796 snapchats sent per second, Snapchat has been made into a multibillion dollar franchise. Snapchat was not meant to be turned into what it has become today. Snapchat, initially called Picaboo, was launched in Evan Spiegel’s dorm room. Spiegel started Picaboo as a school project at Stanford with his peers Robert Murphy and Reggie Brown. It was created to have the ability to send an image and have that same image permanently deleted. When Picaboo was first released it was not able to attract any users. However, today Snapchat is one of the most downloaded applications in the world. On June 4th, 1990 Evan Spiegel was born in Los Angeles, California. Both his mother and father are lawyers. Spiegel had a very privileged childhood. He received his …show more content…

Not only can you send photos to your friends, but you can also view other people’s stories and connect with events happening throughout the world. Whether it is the NBA Finals or a music festival, no matter where you are in the world if you have the app, you can view it. This feature is not only beneficial for the viewers, but also for the company. In 2014 Facebook offered Evan Spiegel a $3 billion deal to sell Snapchat to Facebook, however Spiegel declined the offer. He said, "There are very few people in the world who get to build a business like this. I think trading it for some short-term gain isn't very interesting" (Editors Online). Although Spiegel declined this offer, he still has a net worth of $2.1 billion, which makes him the youngest billionaire in the world. In conclusion, Evan Spiegel is one of the youngest, most successful people of our generation. Snapchat will only continue to grow as it adds new features to the application every so often. As a result of that, Spiegel’s net worth will continue to grow along with the number of installations of

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