Physical Education Hall Of Shame Analysis

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I must admit, I have never really stopped to think about what constitutes a good physical education program. How about a great one? The article “The Physical Education Hall of Shame” by Neil Williams touches on just that; well actually, maybe the opposite. His article is a list of games or activities that in modern day can only be described as the embarrassments of the physical education world. Physical education has a specific goal in mind; to enable students in the development of physical activity that will encourage a healthy lifestyle lasting into adulthood. In his article, “Physical Education Hall of Shame,” Williams, strives to prove that the traditional games and activities of the past need to come to an end. He believes that these seven childhood pastimes should be placed into the Hall of Shame. He explains how these activities fail to promote the current physical educational goals set for today’s school children. He admits that the activities that are built into our curriculum should include elements of fun, but should always encourage and healthy lifestyle and never pose potential harm to the students. Williams’ theory on the subject suggests physical education should promote “the …show more content…

These game do nothing for the current physical educational goal. They do not give the students any skills that promote long term health and well-being. In fact, most of them can cause pain, injury, embarrassment, and elimination of the students. Most provide only a few moments of actual physical activity, compared to the long set up and instruction the children must endure to even play the game. While describing “Steal the Bacon”, Williams says because the children are divided into teams, they are more concerned with winning or losing that the goal of physical education is lost. As with relays, the setup of the race, takes longer than the actual race

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