Photosynthesis Investigation

546 Words2 Pages

Photosynthesis Investigation

Investigate the affect of light on the rate of

photosynthesis of a piece of pondweed

I am going to investigate how light will affect the rate of

photosynthesis of pondweed.

I predict that as the light becomes less intense, I do this by moving

the light away from the pondweed, the rate of photosynthesis will


The formula for photosynthesis is:


6CO2 + 6H2O C6O12H6 + 6O2


Carbon Dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen

There are 3 major factors that limit the rate of photosynthesis, these


· Temperature

· Amount of Carbon Dioxide

· Light Intensity

The only factor that we are able to measure successfully in school is

the affect of light on the rate of photosynthesis, so we have to

believe that the level will remain the same. This is very unlikely to

happen so we could end up with a few rouge results.

As the plant is moved closer to the light source. The light intensity

increases so the rate of photosynthesis should increase.


[IMAGE]As the plant is moved further away from the light the light

intensity decreases and therefore the rate of photosynthesis should

also decrease.

Because oxygen is a product of photosynthesis we will measure the

amount of bubbles against time. This is very inaccurate as no two

bubbles will contain the same amount of oxygen, but it should give us

some idea of what is happening. This is why we are using pondweed, as

it will allow to estimate how much oxygen is being given off. The

bubbles will be visible, as the pondweed is underwater.



Oxygen Bubbles


· 1 piece of pondweed

· 1 250ml Pyrex beaker

· 1 stop clock

· 1 ruler

· 1 60 watt light bulb

· 1 stand

· 1 boss clamp

· a pair of scissors

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