Phaëthon Revision

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Revision Phaëthon is a boy who lives with his mother in Ancient Greece. It comes to his attention that the sun god may be his father. His mother has him go to the sun palace where the sun god lives. The sun god’s palace has a blinding glow to it that can be seen for miles. Once Phaëthon makes it to the sun palace he finds the sun god and asks him if he is his father. The sun god then explains that he is Phaëthon’s father. Eventually Phaëthon wonders if he can drive in his father’s chariot. His father says no because it’s too dangerous. Phaëthon insists his father to let him drive the chariot but his father is trying to dissuade him to. Eventually his father gives in and let's Phaëthon drive the chariot. Phaëthon drives on the guided

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