Edith Hamilton Paëthon Myth

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In the myth “Phaëthon” retold by Edith Hamilton, a boy realizes he is a son of a god then acts recklessly and pays with his life. One day a mortal boy dared to visit the Sun palace. He then went inside the palace, he had come to find out if the Sun god is his father. Then the Sun god told him that he is his father, the god then said Phaëthon could ask him anything. Phaëthon only wanted one thing, he wanted to ride the Sun god's chariot. The god had promised anything but still tried to warn Phaëthon not to, only the Sun god could drive his chariot and the sky is dangerous. Phaëthon did not listen he rode into the sky. While he was in the sky for a few moments Phaëthon felt like the Lord of the Sky. When the Fiery horses realized Phaëthon isn't

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