Gregos and Stephanos, Sons of Gods

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Once upon a time, in 79 A.D., there lived two great friends named Gregos and Stephanos, both were sons of Gods. They both lived in ancient Greece and considered themselves as brothers because they always played together. Stephanos was the son of the mighty Sun God and Gregos was the son of either creative Poseidon, powerful Zeus or gloomy Hades. Gregos was frustrated by this fact because he wanted to know who his real father was. However, evil eventually came to Stephanos mind and Gregos had turn against his friend.
One day, Stephanos saw his father violently killing an innocent person. Stephanos got angry at this and took a vow to destroy Olympus once and for all. He just couldn’t comprehend why his father would kill an innocent person.
The next day Gregos got a vision which demanded him to go to magnificent Pompeii because an atrocious and awful person was planning to destroy Olympus. Suddenly, he woke up and saw his three fathers. They said that the astonishing vision he received was true! They also gave him incredible powers. From Poseidon, he got the marvelous power to control water and the divine power to change into any animal he wished to. Zeus gave him a glorious Thunderbolt and the stunning power to control the sky. Hades give him the chilling power of the deceased and the power to raise brilliant gemstones and metals out of the bare ground.
The next day, Gregos prepared to go to Pompeii, but before he could start traveling, Stephanos stopped him. Stephanos told Gregos that it would be risky traveling in the morning and to wait till evening. But, Gregos said that he had to go to Pompeii to save Olympus from the destructive volcanic eruption. But, Stephanos would not give up. He tried to take a different point of view...

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...n he made a semicircle of a special metal type which was pure magic. Now, your magic cannot get through this area. Then a battle raged between them. Gregos flew back and then he remembered that he hadn’t used his thunderbolt. He took out his thunderbolt and hurled it at Capaneus. Capaneus died that very second.
Gregos and Stephanos disabled the machine, but couldn’t disable it fully. While disabling the machine, Stephanos said that his father came to him and said that the person who had been killed had done bad deeds.
Then the three Gods, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades came. They said that Gregos was made by all three of them for this very purpose and he didn’t have a real mom, but they also said if he needed any assistance he could come to Mt. Olympus, the sea or the underworld. To this day volcanos erupt because Gregos could not fully disable the machine Capaneus made.

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