Pesticides Essay

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Pesticides are used daily throughout all types of places. In rural areas, farmers are applying pesticides on their crops to protect them from the devastation that some insects can have. In urban areas families are using pesticides to protect their houses and their children from pests. There are many different sections of pesticides. Fungicides kill fungus, herbicides kill plants, rodenticide kill rodents, larvicides kill larvae, and bactericides kill bacteria. When people use pesticides, they feel as though their houses and children are protected. Many people don’t see the down fall of using such harsh chemicals. Exposure to harsh chemicals can send your body in a downward spiral. Pesticides are everywhere, on the food we eat, on the building we sleep in, and even I the schools you send your child to. What is even more shocking is that many people don’t know that pesticides are in many household products such as oven cleaners, laundry detergent, floor polish, drain cleaners, and even arts and craft supplies. People should be more educated on what’s on their food and what they’re putting into their bodies. Without even knowing people are putting themselves at risk for high end exposure. Pregnant women, small children, people with
There are registration steps and set rules you must go by to use certain products. Although sometimes this doesn’t seem like it’s enough. Pesticides is not something that is necessary for crops to be grown. It is just something that makes mass production easier and makes it harder for the environment to attack a farmer’s fields. This is one of the reasons there are so many growth problems and disorders. Pesticide can be directly related to ADHD, breast cancer in girls who were exposed before puberty, and autism. With affects like these you would think that pesticides would be

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