Persuasive Speech Outline

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Thesis Statement: I believe that addressing an envelope is a very important tool not only to write back to friends and family, but is a tool that you will need to succeed in this new adult lifestyle through payments and job applications. For many college students, this is the first time they are away for an extended period. Not only can this be a stressful time for students, it can also be a time of sadness or confusion. Students may miss their family and friends, or they may be stressed at the thought they are now on their own. Students at this time in their life begin to understand the importance of communication with family members, but in today’s society, this generation has never had to think about physically sending written letters in the mail. Technology has sadly taken the place of this mechanism. Students in this generation are missing out on the bigger picture in tools they will need to use later in …show more content…

With these three items, I could physically show the class how to address an envelope. Our minds throughout the years have been structured in the same in some aspects. Throughout our lives we have been trained to read left to right. Therefore, we naturally learn better when we have that structure of a left to right sequence. An example of this is just when a teacher naturally works their way left to right on a chalkboard. I began with the sender’s or your information that is placed in the top left hand corner of the envelope to engage the audience at the beginning. For everything I described, I wrote on the envelope in front of the class so they could physically get a representation of what I was talking about. It is proven that most students learn more when they have a visual representation of a topic. I then worked across the envelope and verbally taught about each area as well as continue to write out each

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