Persuasive Letter To Virginia

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Dear Virginians, The United States should be the strongest country in the world. We, the Virginians and all other neighboring states should stand together to make it the best country, where people have dignity and freedom. In order to make our country better, we have to have a different way of ruling the country, we should have a stronger central government, where wise, politically educated, and experienced candidates are in our government, rather than average citizens make major decisions. Men are ambitious, “men are not angels”, as James Madison said. We, the founding fathers think realistically, not idealistically. If only one man from each state represented the states, the rate of making the wrong decision is way higher. Having a different type of government will allow you, the citizens and the government make the decisions for the country to enhance the rules and overall …show more content…

A stronger central government will benefit you, the people of the country, as well as the country overall, which should be the concern of all fellow Americans. After we became independent from Great Britain, the states wanted to have more control over their individual state, and people feared the idea of one executive leader. But I want you, my fellow Virginians to be sure that our central government is and will continue reserving the rights of Americans, and will always insure to keep our country’s economy strong, and to obtain that, we have to have a stronger central government, so we could avoid the issues, such as Shays Rebellion. If we had a stronger central government, we would not had a similar case as Shays Rebellion. Shays Rebellion occurred because of the high taxes Massachusetts state had forced her citizens to pay. If we had a stronger central government, the states won’t be able to decide or make rules however they want and with no basic rules, they’d be controlled by the central government so they are fair thorough

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