Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Federalism

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Federalism was majorly influenced by Alexander Hamilton, who was the dominant author of the Federalist Papers. Hamilton did not want to repeat the mistake that Great Britain made and believed that spreading the power to multiple sources of government, along with checks and balances would abolish tyranny. Furthermore, it would aid the people to be heard and their concerns to be resolved faster and with attention from their government. Federalism is when a nation has two sources of government instead of one, the two levels are national and state/local. Similar to many American qualities, having a federal government has its advantages and disadvantages. Three positive factors of federalism are that there is a more orderly system to dispute and …show more content…

Even though there are pros and cons of federalism, this system of government makes America a free nation and separates us from many our nations. Some of the advantages of having a federal government are that the national level of government can work on the bigger picture tasks while the state government solve the local and specific issues, so that each departments time can be used wisely and efficiently. Furthermore, if citizens took their everyday problems to the national level, then the national government would be over worked and the citizen might have to travel far to even reach the states capital. Each side of the …show more content…

Furthermore, a local resident can travel to their local government, city hall, and file a complaint about the public school having brown water, they would help the resident faster and with ease to produce a cleaner environment. However if that same resident went to their local government but was in a high poverty state, they would not have the money to improve the situation for a public school without the money. For example, the elementary school in Albuquerque fixed their brown water problem before the school year (Goldsmith, News 13), but the Miami Sunset Senior High School had unacceptable conditions from water to the school lunches and the safety of the students, their problems took much longer and took viral pictures to get the attention of their local government to fix their

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