Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Zoos are very unacceptable for the animal’s considering the animal’s need to learn to live on their own and be in an environment to deliver them freedom. Zoos are also keeping the animal’s away from their natural environment so they don’t act the exact same being trapped in a cramped cage in zoos. Alternately of the animals going extinct, the zoos need to become extinct by the people not visiting them anymore and stop paying to enter the zoo. Therefore, zoos are horrible because they can’t be extremely comparable the animals environment. According to BBC, approximately 751,931 animals are locked in zoos and their rights to free roaming their habitat is taken away from them. This is horrible because this is how many animals do not have their freedom to be just like their family and take the animals away for money and “fun”. When the people can take zoos away, species might become way more enormous because the ones at the zoo can also mate with the wild ones, but they would need to learn to survive on their own, or they’re going to die.

According to Science, Vol 322, baby animals brings in a bunch of people which means more money. Nevertheless the incentive bread leads to more and more of the population. Therefore, to make more space for other babies, they slaughter the older but still younger babies only to make other supplies for …show more content…

Zoos are not educational in a super way because zoo animals don’t act the same in zoos as they would in their own natural environment. They do not have the freedom they deserve and won’t ever get to hunt or fight for their own food because they are in cages and don’t have much space to roam. When we take zoos away, perhaps the habitat numbers would raise and people could go explore the real attitudes of animals in their own

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