Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Do zoos help an animals life? Do they help the environment? Do animals prosper in them? In the wilderness, many animals do not prosper and reproduce, and there are many reasons for this. Things like predators and humans endanger hundreds of animal species. Although the zoo isn’t the solution for a few animals, zoos help thousands of animals reproduce and live a healthy life. Zoos should continue to rescue animals and bring them to the zoo. It helps animals reproduce, live a healthy life, and not worry about endangerment. Bringing animals to zoos help that species produce and never die off. In the wilderness, animals are being pushed away from one another because of danger like predators and humans. Once we bring them to the zoo, they live in peace in their own habitat where they can reproduce without any issues. This will ensure that the species of these animals will never go extinct. So, all the more we can protect animals, the more our world’s beautfal animal species will never die. Zoo employees do everything they can to make sure that the animals stationed there live a …show more content…

While in the wild, animals may go days without eating because they can’t find food. Well, while in zoos, animals are fed on a daily basis with all of the nutrients they will need. All of the animals will be provided food for their normal diet. In the wild, animals can die off because there is no food for them. But in zoos, they are fed all of the food they need to live a perfect, healthy life. When an animal gets sick in the wild, there is nothing it can do for itself, just wait until they pass away. But in zoos, vetenarians are there to treat sick and wounded animals to get them back to living a healthy life. Even though some animals live a great, healthy life in the wild, a larger percent of animals will live a prosperous life in zoos. This means that keeping animals in zoos will help the animals live a pain-free, healthy

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