Persuasive Essay Over Theatre

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Since their inception in the 1890s, people have loved watching movies. While almost every person has seen a movie, many people have never seen a live theatre performance. This more traditional form of entertainment has roots in many cultures and time periods. People who brush off theatre as old fashioned miss out on a wonderful source of entertainment and enjoyment. Theatre has many advantages over movies, such as a more personal connection with actors, more vulnerable performance, and definite accessibility.
Firstly, theatre allows the actors to connect with the audience on a whole new level. With movies, only certain people appear on screen, even with others in a scene. Alternatively, theatre provides many other people and objects to look at during long dialogues. Because of how the sounds and actors surround an audience, allowing them to feel included in the scene, the passion emitted by the actor creates a powerful connection with the audience. Without this, studio recordings and lip-syncing cannot achieve the same level of emotion as live performance. Scenes go from sad to heartbreaking, emotional to passionate, sweet to beautiful. …show more content…

Every performance possesses a slightly different experience. Even in professional theatre, every performance has miniscule differences if one looks closely enough. If something goes wrong, the actors have to improvise and get the performance back to the script. No green screen or editing can change how a stage, prop, or actor looks. Anything the director and cast wants the audience to see has to appear on stage. Alternatively, the crew relies on the imagination of the audience to compensate when something looks different. Viewers must use their minds instead of having everything handed to them. Unlike movies, where retakes and edits can compensate for anything, theatre actors must think on their feet and continue the show, no matter what

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