Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Zoos are located all over the world and is a great way for people to learn about animals. However, it is an unsuitable environment for wild animals and should be abolished. These animals are only used for public viewing and education. People admire these animals but many are not aware of the conditions that the caged animals live in. Zoos should be banned because the animals are not in their natural habitat which causes emotional stress, and malnutrition and mistreatment. Zoos are said to be safer a place for animals than their natural habitat. The animals are occasionally held in confined enclosures and no matter how big the room is, the space is no match to the natural habitat that the animals were meant to be in. It does not allow them …show more content…

Animals that are held in captivity can develop abnormal symptoms, such as “Zoochosis”. This behavior occurs when an animal is bored, depressed, and frustrated. Symptoms of Zoochosis includes swaying, bar biting, circling, self-harm, and excessive licking. An elephant at the Milwaukee County Zoo was swaying their trunk back and forth, which is a symptom of stress. Some zoos give tranquilizers to control the behavior problems to the animals. "In zoos, we are most concerned with chronic stress, when animals are repeatedly exposed to negative stressors and are not able to respond appropriately. Prolonged negative stress can become physically harmful." Dr. Wielebnowski states (Avma) Scientists have proven that the animals not only get stressed but get sick and do not live as long. Animals should live a life in natural environments without any opposing …show more content…

Some have been deprived of veterinary care, poisoned, and left to starve. Some animals have even died eating plastic bags, water bottles, and other objects that are thrown into the cage. Peta says “A bear starved to death at the Toledo Zoo after officials locked her up to hibernate without food or water.” (Peta) They are not being treated the way should be treated. These animals aren't even getting a chance in life. In the IDA (In Defense of Animals) in 2007, all ten of the zoos in America have had elephants die prematurely due to the mistreatment; lack of exercise, unsuitable living conditions, and improper diets. In May 2016, a 4-year-old managed to get inside a compound. 17-year-old gorilla Harambe grabbed the child by their arms and legs, dragging the child down it’s enclosure. However, a worker shot the gorilla, afraid that the child would be killed. This incident caused a big controversy online by many who blamed the child’s parents and the zookeepers of Harambe’s death. "That child's life was in danger. People who question that don't understand you can't take a risk with a silverback gorilla -- this is a dangerous animal," Maynard said. (CNN) "This beautiful gorilla lost his life because the boy's parents did not keep a closer watch on the child," the petition states. (CNN) Harambe was clearly protective of the child. There was no sign of Harambe being aggressive in the sense that

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