Gorilla Persuasive Speech

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Remember Harambe the gorilla? Quite a few people were stunned, even outraged, after they heard about his death at the hands of an employee at the Cincinnati Zoo in 2016. A three-year-old boy climbed into the gorilla enclosure and was grabbed and dragged by Harambe, which is what led to his demise. Even though the employee killed the gorilla to save the life of the little boy, millions were infuriated. The reaction to the gorilla’s death was so strong that people were calling for the boy’s parents or the zoo to be held accountable for the death of Harambe. Police even investigated possible criminal charges against the parents. The boy’s mother was also harassed on social media. Our society reacts with horror when we hear about a majestic gorilla …show more content…

We have a cat named Eleanor Rigby and she has been my companion since she was a kitten. We all love her very much and we attempt to ensure that we supply her with the highest-quality existence she can have. Consider that Eleanor has lived her life and she is nearing death. We would take care of her until the end and when she passes we will bury her, but (and this is a struggle to consider) based on the argument of necessity, why would we not consume her? On the grounds that we are not vegetarians then there should be no good reason for us to be repelled by this concept, however I am. It is not about causing Eleanor harm because she would already be dead so she would not be capable of experiencing pain. We would not be capable of eating our beloved pet due to the fact that we were raised as speciesist and this lifestyle is all that we have ever known. I cannot fathom the concept of eating my cat after her death out of necessity, however I have no problem consuming other animals which are viewed by our society as consumption animals. Therefore, Singer has given me a few, quite strong, motives to re-examine my treatment of non-human

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