Persuasive Essay On Universal Healthcare

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Have you ever gotten hurt and worried about having to go to the doctor and the financial burden it would have on you? Did you ever wish that you could afford healthcare that would cover you and no cost you thousands of dollars? Recently, the US has been considering a Universal Healthcare System to provide all citizens with affordable healthcare. However, they are at an impasse due to the acknowledgment of not just the gains of a Universal Healthcare System but also the burdens it can impose on the US as a whole. The US must address everything good and bad before deciding whether a Universal Healthcare System would be what is best for the US and the people living in it.

Universal healthcare is an arising curiosity, mainly in the US due to the fact millions of people reside in the country. Most of them do not make minimum wage and just a simple check up could cost hundreds of dollars. Depending on what plan you get, health insurance can cost thousands of dollars and on a minimum wage job it would not be affordable. Universal healthcare is not free to all people. Either someone will be paying for it or taxes will be raised to afford universal healthcare for the millions of people who live and need it. The US would possibly need to borrow money from other countries to afford it and that
However, the US is in a great deal of debt currently and allowing something so expensive to arise would only bring it into even ore debt. At least 33 of the worlds riches countries provide Universal Healthcare such as :Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Sweden, Bahrain, Canada, Netherlands and a few others. However, they are not in as great of debt as we are. Therefore, we should not supply Universal Healthcare simply due to the fact it is to expensive for us to afford and even if we did provide it there would still be negative effects in the long

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