Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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According to the National Safety Council, mobile device usage accounts for 26 percent of motor vehicle crashes, with an estimated five percent of these vehicular accidents involving texting. Furthermore, the highest percentage of alcohol-related traffic fatalities occur during the three day period around New Year's day. These two statistics need to be of concern to every driver on the road. Although every accident doesn't result in a death, 5,400,000 non-fatal car crashes are recorded every year, as Statistic Brain reports, and anyone injured in a motor vehicle accident needs a huntsville alabama attorney to assist them. Legal representation ensures a person's rights are protected as they move through the process of obtaining compensation …show more content…

In the event a person has been injured or killed in this accident, anyone who leaves the scene may be considered a hit-and-run driver. Wait until authorities arrive and give permission for individuals to leave. Assess Injuries Everyone present on the scene needs to be checked for injuries and emergency help called for, if needed. Don't move any injured persons unless there are hazardous conditions requiring they be moved. Wait until qualified medical personnel arrive to help those who are injured. Contact Emergency Personnel When any person has been injured or killed or significant property damage has been sustained, emergency personnel need to be called. Request that a police report be completed on the incident and obtain a copy of this report. In addition, be sure to get the names of the responding officers. Gather Information About Witnesses Obtain contact information from all parties involved in the accident and all witnesses, including names and addresses. For those involved in the accident, get license plate numbers and drivers' license numbers. Get insurance information from all drivers involved also. Be polite and cooperative throughout this process, but never admit guilt or apologize for the incident. Contact Insurance

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