Persuasive Essay On Teen Driving

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Most if not all teens look forward to several events in their life. One of those events are getting a driver's license. This small piece of plastic is their ticket to freedom. This ticket is more than just freedom to be able to drive their friends around but also freedom from the ritual of their parents having to drive them everywhere and embarrass them in public. Also this is a freedom to the parents as well they may save more on gas from not having to drive their children around. However, some teens are not as safe as they possibly could be if they were to take a few steps to promote good driving habits. This is evident in the article “Teen Driving”, as the author gives the reader teen driving statistics, as well as explanations of programs and steps that can improve teen driving. …show more content…

Most parents think getting their teens their driver's license will lift a weight off of their backs when in reality it seems to only do the opposite once the facts of insurance and statistics come into play. The article “Teen Drivers” provides some statistic such as, “A driver’s licence is a ticket to freedom! At last, teens can drive themselves to school, work and recreational activities .”(“Teen Driving,” par 1) This is a fact of how this small piece of plastic placed in the hands on a teen can be seen as a ticket to freedom. Another thing the article states is, “Parents are thrilled because they do not have to chauffeur the kids around anymore.”(“Teen Driving, par 2) This statement reveals how parents get their freedom back as well teens are gaining their first taste of freedom. But also with this freedom most teens don't realize just how scary the road is and when their parents are no longer driving with them they become nervous and many not be as safe as they could be, which leads me to the thought of many they should choose to take certain steps to create safe driving

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