Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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When an intoxicated individual decides to sit behind the wheel of a vehicle and drive to their destination, that person is not only putting their self in danger. But is risking the life of someone else that may be on the road. Their decision may not seem important to them now but consequences will follow them during those actions. Many people that goes to jail for a DUI add a risk for job loss and jail time to a person death. When you get behind the wheel intoxicated or someone else around you that is, think about yourself if you were on the road during the time of an intoxicated driver. Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense in the safety for others. These people not only hurting their family member but also hurting the society as one and it should come to an end. …show more content…

Evidence shows that several accidents are caused by drunk drives. Even though you couldn’t find anyone to be the responsible driver, you should call someone or a taxi to drive you home safely. If you know that alcohol is in your present you should already be making your phone call for someone to come get you (Jean,2017). People that have drove intoxicated before, more than likely to drive again. They may not have got caught the first time by the cops, but it could be their time to get arrested. To avoid accidents and deaths, most of the time there should be a designated diver. That means that person is not allowed to have any drinks during the occasion. In this case, we know that everyone is safe even the people that’s on the

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