Persuasive Essay On Slacking

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Look around you. How many students do you see actively working hard, or being productive? Not many are the answer. These students are slacking. Slacking another word for laziness, or sluggish is becoming very attracted today. Many parents know about their child slacking, but never try to provide something to help them. Students that slack off are students who most likely will not have a bright future, and the schools are responsible for students getting a great education for a productive future. Also, many schools offer school sports, and when students join these sports, they can get to distracted from it and many not want to do there work. Graduation can be a very special part in your high school career, but the students who don’t have much of an education, or who has low grades, may not graduate, and be able to move on in life to college. Schools need to stop students from slacking, to improve education. Everyone’s dream is to become the person …show more content…

Sports can be a fun thing to do, but schoolwork always comes first. Kerry Patterson says, "By not speaking up when someone isn’t pulling his or her weight, you’re tacitly giving that person permission to keep on with the behavior” (Anne 3). Every person is different from everyone else, and not everyone slacks. Teammates could never trust each other because you never know if that person slacks or not. This statement shows that someone can never trust someone else for work that they are support to do, and they decide leave everything for yourself to do. To show that you want to be a good teammate, “You’ll never be a real team if you go running to the boss without talking to each other first” (Anne 5). What this quote shows is that if you’re the person that's tells the person that is in charge, you’re the person that will not be respected, and it will only make you the one that is hated the

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