Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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American teens need a new approach to sexual education. Though more Americans share the belief that abstinence-only education denies youth the information they need about contraceptive use to protect themselves from pregnancy and STDs, abstinence-only is still the primary method of sexual education offered in most U.S schools. Conservatives believe that comprehensive sexuality programs encourage adolescents to engage in sexual activity, and if any teachings about sexual education are allowed, they should focus on an abstinence-only curriculum. This chastity approach to sexual education is both outdated and impractical in today’s society. Abstinence-only sexual education programs often exclude vital information about contraceptives and STDs …show more content…

However, Advocates for Youth Researchers studied the National Survey of Family Growth to determine the impact of sexuality education on youth sexual risk-taking for young people ages 15-19, and found that teens who received comprehensive sex education were 50 percent less likely to experience pregnancy than those who received abstinence-only education (Kohler et al 2008). Proving that comprehensive programs do not increase teen pregnancy, but rather have the potential to significantly decrease it. Although teen pregnancy in the U.S has declined in recent years, the teen birth rate remains higher than in most other developed countries at 26.5 per 1,000 in youths aged 15-19 (CDC 2013). This illustrates the need for action. Comprehensive sexuality education will teach these teens the how to prevent pregnancy and could potentially lower these numbers. Empowering teens with pregnancy knowledge is only one of the many benefits of comprehensive sexuality education, but providing life-saving information to teens about STD’s is vitally important as …show more content…

They receive mixed signals about what is and what is not acceptable. Some public schools offer sexual education courses, but the many do not, leaving today’s youth with unanswered questions. Many of these teens find talking to their parents about these questions difficult, and still others do not have parents to talk to. These teens must know how to protect themselves, but someone has to teach them. Requiring all U.S public schools to teach comprehensive sexuality education will fulfill this need. No longer will their questions go unanswered because they will be taught the information and the skills they need to protect themselves and live healthy adult lives. They will learn how to prevent pregnancies and proper contraceptive use. They will learn about how to recognize different STD’s where to get help if they contact one. And most importantly, they will learn the skills they need to build healthy relationships and achieve overall sexual health. Comprehensive sexuality education should be taught in all U.S public schools because they will empower America’s youth with knowledge and ensure that they have the skills to live healthy lives now and in the

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