Persuasive Essay On School Dress Code

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The clothes on my back are for warmth and protection only.
I do not care for looks, and I abide by my school dress code.

There are many things I disagree with in my dress code. And there are also many rules that I believe are in there rightful place. But along with that I think there is many clothes that I think should be in their rightful place. So in theory, I think there is many apparel that I think should be removed.

First, I think that some clothes should be worn where they belong, and not be used in a classroom environment, such as gym clothes. I think that the gym clothes, such as leggings, should not be worn in a class unless they have something else over them, like a skirt or some apparel. Because I see it as inappropriate, and i’m sure some others could agree. …show more content…

I would say the tank tops are inappropriate but the school has already banished that clothing. And to say more, there is also more clothes that I disagree with being already banished. Such as a certain hat in the headgear department, I understand others such as hats and headphones, but this item I disagree with being on the list.

The Toboggan. Everyone knows that the schools get cold. And our school is an older building being built in 1955. So our heating units have not been replaced for a couple of years. And it gets very cold. So we need something to get our head and ears warm right?. I understand the Toboggans that have the hat end on them,but the ones that do not would still make the person identifiable.

For example, I love to wear my Toboggan It keeps my hair up against my head, keeping my ears warm. And then sometimes when I come into a certain classroom it’s colder inside than outside. So I think the students should be able to keep themselves warm, the item is really comfortable too. But once again the hats do not really risk security. The person wearing the hat is still

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