The Importance Of Dresscode

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Dresscode, probably one of the most talked about topics by teenagers. Most teenagers believe that dresscode is “idiotic” or “useless”. Why do we think this? Well most adults believe that keeping a strict dress code keeps us educated because apparently our clothes are “distracting”. Now I can see how wearing booty shorts and a tank top would be distracting, but how is wearing sweatpants distracting? If anything wearing sweatpants keeps us comfortable, because I know that being uncomfortable is way more distracting than wearing sweatpants. When I wear sweatpants I can lay back and relax while the teacher talks, but if I am uncomfortable I am more likely to move around and fidget with my clothes rather than listen to the lesson. Another “distracting” clothing that we wear that adults think is “too distracting” for us to wear to school is hats. It’s the same with sweatpants how is something that we wear and see on a daily basis distracting? It’s not like wearing a hat shows off anything inappropriate. …show more content…

They just want us to be safe and educated, but some of the things they are “keeping us safe from” like not being able to wear sweatpants or hats is not something dangerous or distracting to our education. I feel like the adults are heading in the right direction, but they aren’t quite there yet. There is still some improvements that need to be made to the dress code system. I feel like the adults need to be more worried about our education system instead of focusing on how distracting our clothes are. If our teachers cracked down on us paying attention in class instead of assuming that it’s our clothes that distract us I feel like this could solve the problem that teachers have been trying to solve for quite some

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