Persuasive Essay On Professional Athletes And Their Money

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Professional Athletes and Their Money Is a professional athlete considered a noble profession? Most would say no, so why are athletes in today's world are making crazy amounts of money, sometimes into the millions or tens of millions of dollars per year. They certainly make more than nurses, childcare workers, pastors, teachers and other professions that give back to society. Yes, most everyone enjoys watching a good sporting event, but do we really have to pay $100 to see a game so they can pay our athlete's millions of dollars? The top paid athlete today is Floyd Mayweather and he makes $105 million per year for boxing. Then we have Cristiano Ronaldo who is paid $52 million in salary and another $28 million in endorsements. We can't forget about Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods either came in 5th and 6th on the Forbes highest paid athletes list. Do any of these names stick out for being positive role models or donating large sums of money to charity? Yes, all of them are great athletes and have trained hard for many years to get to the top, but …show more content…

If you were to compare what most athletes spend their money on to somebody like Bill Gates, you would see a significant difference. Bill Gates is considered to be very generous as he makes a very large amount of money per year but also gives a large portion to charitable foundations. Athletes now, and even back to when professional sports started, take for granted the amount of money that they make and what they could spend it on. I'm not opposed to them making a good salary, but after all, they are getting paid to do what they love. Now granted that they do have to devote a large portion of their lives to the sport that they play, there should be a good amount of pay in return but I think it has gone too far with trying to get the best players all on certain teams and paying them millions of

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