Should Athletes Get Paid?

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Sport Incomes Kameron McQueary Should athletes make more money than those who are working hard to help people and the world? The people who go to college for years and earn their degrees spending all their money for an education receive less than professional athletes. Should this be encouraged? I don’t think this is right. The people such as doctors, scientists, lawyers etc. should make more money. I think athletes should get paid a fair amount but not millions. The average household doesn’t make that much money in an entire decade but a baseball player makes more than that in a game. I think the hard working people who get a good education should be making more. These people are trying to change America for the good and the athletes are just for our entertainment. Education is a very important factor in this argument. Many successful people go to college spending loads of money because tuition is very expensive. Many athletes don’t go to college and still make more than the ones that do. Teachers should make more money than they do. The teachers are the ones who provide us with an opportunity to learn and succeed. Yet, athletes make more money than our educators. Another reason is hard working people earn less. Even people who do not get a good education but make their way up by working hard should get paid more than they …show more content…

We spend more than we’d like to admit on tickets to the game or buying clothes and accessories. Buying all this means we are encouraging the athletes to make more money. They do risk their lives playing a sport. This usually results in injuries which can cost thousands. They play an elite sport that they are passionate about. Which means they should make as much money as doctors, lawyers etc. Many people also say that they are changing the world for the better by being role models for others. Although, I don’t think athletes should make millions, other people strongly agree they

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