Persuasive Essay On Prescription Drug Advertising

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Prescription drug ads should be advertised directly to the public for a multitude of reasons. It is completely unethical to think otherwise. If consumers don’t know they need help, how are doctors supposed to do their jobs? Seeing DTC (direct-to-consumer) ads promote seeking medical help. Seeing them also seems to have a positive effect on most consumers. DTC prescription drug ads encourage patient compliance with treatment. In an article about the risk and benefits of direct advertisement to consumers, Ashish Parekh and associates stated, “81% of doctors surveyed for a 2007 article published in Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research thought DTC prescription drug ads had a positive impact on patient compliance (taking drugs as directed).” When seeing prescription drugs portrayed in a way that shows the consumer jovial and enlightened about the product and the great things its doing, it could heavily influence a future customer of the drug. In response to an FDA …show more content…

Since prescription drug abuse is such a wide spread issue, the coverage of this epidemic has only risen. In his book Prescription Drugs, Fred Ramen states, “The recent high profile cases of Rush Limbaugh and Ozzy Osbourne, who both abused prescription painkillers, have helped create awareness among the general public…” The rise and fall of super stars has such a large effect on the general public, specifically because of news articles, TV broadcast, and podcasts that cover everything that happens in their lives on a daily basis. Olivia Dean stated, “Public awareness of prescription drug misuse and abuse has grown in tandem with these problems, and there is strong bipartisan support for addressing prescription drug abuse, with many federal and state efforts underway to help prevent opioid abuse and improve access to treatment.” Not only are the people invested in Holly Wood being reached, but also Senators and state

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