Persuasive Essay On Personal Searches

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Locker Searches/Personal Searches Rough Draft Argument; The principal at your school has instituted random locker and backpack/book bag searches to check for guns, knives, and other weapons. Anyone caught with these weapons will be immediately suspended. The Principal argues that the random searches will not only guard against illegal weapons at school but will also help students feel safer. Safety, what makes us feel safe at school? As an elementary age student, safety was never something we really thought about. We just never thought a fellow classmate would do the unthinkable and bring a weapon to school and harm our teachers and fellow students. We spent our time worrying about if Suzie and Janie were going to invite us to their birthday party and if Johnny and Joey were going to be the winners of the dodgeball game. As we grew and moved from elementary age into middle school, most of our thoughts of safety were more about “stranger danger” than weapons. Never thinking once …show more content…

In my research, I found, most everyone was for the random locker and backpack searches. The safety of the students and staff of a school were of the utmost concern. Lockers belong to the schools and are a privilege they offer to each student to house their books and belongings on a daily basis. This gives the school the right to check a locker anytime they choose. Citations: "Backpack and Locker Searches in Public High Schools | The Classroom | Synonym." Backpack and Locker Searches in Public High Schools | The Classroom | Synonym. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. "School Violence and Weapons: Constitutional Rights of Students - FindLaw." Findlaw. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. "Search and Seizure, Due Process, and Public Schools." Search and Seizure, Due Process, and Public Schools. Web. 10 Nov.

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