Persuasive Essay On One Year Old

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Parents marvel at their children from birth, and the months that follow are a time of joy and amazement as parents of babies become parents of toddlers. Children grow at an astonishing rate and are unrecognizable as the tiny babies they were by the time they reach one year old. One year olds have very different needs than infants and begin to learn the skills that will carry them into childhood. Every child is different, but there are some common traits that most one year olds share. If you are a new parent of a toddler here are six things you should know about your one year old. It's OK if your child does not walk by one year. Walking is one of the most anticipated milestones, but not all babies walk by one year and this is perfectly normal. …show more content…

Most one year olds have attention spans of about five minutes if they are interested in the activity so you will be able to play one game for longer stretches. Your one year old will probably have distinct preferences for the type of play he enjoys, and their favorite games might not be the ones you like. One year olds like to push, throw, drop, and dump things which may not be your favorite game but helps them learn about the world around them. Toddlers thrive on routine and having clear routines for bedtime, naptime, and meal time will make these activities go smoother. Form some habits that can be repeated every day for these times and your one year old will eagerly anticipate and take part in these routines. Most babies develop some sort of separation anxiety which can range form mild to severe around seven or eight months, and this anxiety usually heightens by one year. One year olds will often protest loudly when being left with a sitter, and it is best to allow your child to warm up to their caregiver before you leave and not prolong the leaving

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