Persuasive Essay On Obamacare

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Before the roll out of Obamacare, we knew this Affordable Healthcare Act was too good to be true. Even its own website advertised ERROR, BAD GATEWAY, and SYSTEM FAILURE. With the passage of Obamacare, all Americans have been promised equal access to affordable health insurance. Well, as long as they don’t fall into the Obamacare coverage gap. This is the term used to describe the millions of Americans who make too little to qualify for the subsidies offered to help offset the cost of health insurance, but also make too much to qualify for state Medicaid programs, like in Nebraska, because the state chose not to expand Medicaid coverage as was intended with the passage of Obamacare. The result: millions of people left with no choice but …show more content…

Stop whining and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Real cowboys like you suck the venom right out of a snake bite and you don’t need a doctor for that. Here in America we believe in individualism and individual responsibility. It isn’t the taxpayers’ fault that you got hit by a bus. It’s yours! Take some responsibility and look both ways, twice, before you cross the road. Option #2: Move to Massachusetts. Believe it or not there are places in this world, including a few right here in America that express this crazy idea that having health care is a basic human right, not an expensive privilege. Ha! And you Republicans thought that affordable, accessible healthcare for all was just some crazy socialist idea of Obama’s. What a minute, Romney, have you been hiding something? Option #3: Become a Christian Scientist. The Church of Christian Science isn’t really a fan of science. In fact, fanatical Christian Scientists don’t even believe in health care. Instead, they believe that prayer is the best way to cure diseases. It is also the cheapest! So don’t fret that you can’t talk to a doctor, talk to Jesus instead. He’ll fix you right up. And if he doesn’t, you’ll go to a better place anyhow. You can’t

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